Grace to you . . . (Eph. 1:2, NKJV)
Have you experienced God’s grace? Are you expressing God’s grace? Experience should lead to expression. Author Craig Brian Larson writes about a new website phenomenon called “beta” site. It illustrates how we should extend and expect grace from other believers.
When a new website launches, or when a website launches a new feature, they commonly go public for a period of time as what is called a "beta" site. For example, Google for years called their email feature—Gmail—a beta site. The idea of a beta site is it's a test site that is available for the public to use, but with the understanding that you may find bugs in it. The site is not making any claims to have everything worked out to perfection. If you find a problem with a beta site, you think to yourself, “Oh yeah! This is a beta site. Maybe I should send the designers an email so they know they still have a problem here.” If you are a mature person, you don't get angry with a beta site if you find a broken webpage. A beta site is a "grace-expected" web site. The site is counting on you to give them grace.
Likewise, we are “Beta-believers.” We are a work in progress. Shouldn’t we extend grace to each other? Can we refuse to give what God has lavished upon us? Grace to you! Grace through you!